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Punky is risky, experimental and about the rawest style.  You can't just wear a Punky item of clothing because it's too unique, it's an actual experience.  If you ever want a unique experience then spend a day as a Punky Pig.  


We are Punky, we wear punky, we live punky.  Many of the fashions over the years have been inspired by our style although we have been labled as rebels by pop culture.  Most of the myths surrpounding us are assumptions because we aren't a lable we are individuals, each with our own world view.  Our style is at times scary simply because it's so different from the norm, but if you take a closer look you'll be able to see our style being used in part by many other styles.


Many people are Punky Pigs in their spare time although you'd never know when sitting next to them during rush hour.  



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